B-29 Interior Pt. I

B-29 Interior Pt. I
"Fifi" is the B-29 of the Confederate - er, COMMEMORATIVE - Air Force. This is the first chance I've had to crawl around in her and took a few (266) photos. This is "Interior I," the cockpit and gunner stations. Next will be the bomb bay and wheel wells. Then the exterior.

B-29 "Fifi"

Okay, so you may notice I'm a bit trigger happy with my shutter. That's because I had to make way for others and wanted to make certain I got everything. I also shot the same items and views with different settings to try to capture subtleties.

If you are intrigued with the thumbnails below, you can use the following link to access the original feature, with enlargeable photos.

Aeroscale B-29 Walkaround Climbabout


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