F-5F Tiger II Released

F-5F Tiger II Released
Dream Models has released the new tool two seat F-5F Tiger II in 1:72 scale

Marking options include:

🇺🇸 USMC VMFT-401 Snipers "Red 00", MCAS Yuma, Azirona.

USN VFC-111 Sundowners "840456/AF100", NAS Key West, Florida, 2008.

USN VFC-13 Fighting Saints "761580", NAS Fallon, Nevada, Feb 2011.

Schweizer Luftwaffe Fliegerstaffel 15 "212" J-3212 C/N M1012, Payerne Air Base - LSMP, Switzerland.

DM720014 - F-5F Tiger II - 1:72

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