Hispano Suiza Bf 109E Conversion

Hispano Suiza Bf 109E Conversion
Buchon Scale Models is about ready to start shipping their Hispano Suiza fitted Bf 109E conversion set designed for the Eduard 1/32 scale kit

Happy new year dear fans!

Hispano Me 109E is finally here. Shipping out very shortly!! Thanks for a fantastic production by the excellent team at SBS Model - Hungary. This time on a very limited reference material. You guys nailed it!!

Get your kit of this Hispano test aircraft here. Only one was ever built and flown.

BUC 32-011 – Bf 109E-1 with Hispano Suiza Engine, ResinConversion – 1/32

Please remember, when contacting retailers or manufacturers, to mention that you saw their products highlighted here – on AEROSCALE.