DN Model New Year sale

To celebrate the New Year DN Models are having a sale with 21% discount.

Happy New Year everybody! 

Thank you for being with DN Models throughout the years and more especially – 2020. That year was quite challenging for everybody around the Globe. It gave a clear sign, that despite whatever differences we might’ve had – race, religion or even modeling preferences – they are all irrelevant when it comes down to our health and security. We are all together in this thing. And together – we will get through it. 

The good side of the pandemic was that many modelers enjoyed their hobby while working at home, which was a dream come true, despite the difficult reasons that started it. So with all those negative happenings throughout 2020, there were some good ones. As with everything in life – it is not ALL bad, nor it is ALL good.

We hope you are all healthy and well, we sincerely wish you all the best  throughout 2021, health, prosperity and happiness!!! We wish you –  next year around this time, this to be well behind us, so we can all be enjoying the normality of our contemporary lives!

To give our thanx to our clients, we offer 21% discount for New Year’s holiday, celebrating the long awaited 2021. This will start on 30th of December, 2020. It will last till 23:59PST 1st of January, 2021.

If you don’t see your country in the drop-down menu upon checkout, that means it is not served at the moment. This is a restriction that is beyond us, it has to the with the virus and the limitations that different governments impose. Please be aware of the extended delivery times too: that comes with the “benefits” of the virus as well. You will be notified about those upon checkout.

Thank you for patience and understanding in regards to the virus situation! We appreciate you very much! Once again:

HAPPY NEW 2021!!!

ALL THE BEST in the New Year and cheer up, we will get through this thing soon!

Use promo code:  NEW21  upon checkout.

Happy modeling!


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